Child Sexual Abuse Victims

Legal Perspectives: Understanding the Laws and Rights Related to Child Sexual Abuse

Child sexual abuse is an age-old issue that has plagued societies throughout history, recognized universally as a heinous criminal act. Nevertheless, over the past few decades, our understanding of this problem has grown significantly, leading to profound insights into its causes, the devastating impact it has on children’s psychological well-being, and strategies for healing from the trauma. In parallel, policymakers have come to recognize the imperative of enacting robust legislation to combat child sexual abuse effectively and streamline the reporting process. Regrettably, a prevailing lack of awareness about these laws persists, resulting in unnecessary delays in reporting such cases.

As a parent, guardian and human being, every individual must understand the laws and rights of a child who suffers through abuse. In this blog we will explore numerous ways how the law protects our children and grants them their rights. But first, let’s start with the very basic:

Who qualifies as a Child?

According to the United Nation’s Convection on the Rights of the Child, Part 1, a child is a human below the age of eighteen. Regardless of their color, ethnicity or gender, every person younger than eighteen is a child and hence is eligible for the rights given to them by United Nations Convection on the right of the child (UNCRC).

The Convection on the Rights of the Child

To understand the laws behind the protection of children and against child sexual abuse, you need to understand the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), which was introduced on the 20th of November, 1989. This convention sets standards for the protection of basic rights in areas that are most relevant to children, taking into account their vulnerability and special needs.

The article makes it compulsory for parties to take appropriate legislative and administrative measures to protect children from all forms of physical and mental violence, injuries and abuse. These measures should include effective procedures for creating social programs that support the child and those who are caring for the child.

The following are the some of the laws establish by UNCRC:

  • No violence against children is justifiable and all violence against them is preventable.
  • Children who suffer from sexual abuse should be treated with dignity and respect, rather than being perceived as victims.
  • This concept of dignity requires children to be recognized, respected and protected as rights holder and as a unique and valuable human being, with a right to privacy.
  • Children’s rights should be respected, heard and given the same weight as adults in all decision making processes, and their empowerment should be central to child caregiving strategies and programs.
  • Violence of any sort, sexual or physical, must not be interpreted in a way that minimizes the impact of, and need to address it.
  • The state should take every possible measure to prevent inducement or coercion of a child to engage in any unlawful sexual activity.
  • The exploitative use of children in prostitution or other unlawful sexual practices should be prevented by the state.
  • The exploitative use of children in pornographic performances and material should be prevented through all national and bilateral measures.

Bottom Line;

Child Sexual Abuse policies can be difficult to understand. On top of that, every state has different laws and regulations, making it even more difficult for parents and guardians to understand and Best Charity Organizations in USA take legal action. The above guide will help you through this process. Are you looking for professional help? Get in touch with Sanaa’s Stars; a charitable organization with a mission to combat child sexual abuse. Our professionals will help you understand the laws and rights related to child sexual abuse, so you can make a positive impact on the lives of these vulnerable children.

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